10 Digital Gifts To Buy A Designer For Christmas


This is a must read guide to essential digital gifts which I’m sure every designer would not mind having for Christmas. This article is a great way to purchase some pretty cool stuff which I’m sure most designers would be over the moon with receiving, especially if you’re working with a shoe string shopping budget for purchasing Christmas presents. This is a great way to buy some cheap but meaningful gifts which most designers will enjoy.

1. Photoshop To HTML E-Book ($29)


This is a great Ebook which will show a designer how to convert Photoshop website design into HTML and CSS.

2. WeGraphics Prenium Memmbership($7)wegraphics

WeGraphics is the definitive solution for designers who need high-quality resources and has over 2500 design resources available for designers for $7 a month or $49 a year.

3. Pixelmator ($59)


Pixelmator, the beautifully designed, easy-to-use, fast and powerful image editor for Mac OS X has everything a designer will need to create, edit and enhance images.

4. Elegant Themes ($39)


A great website where designers can download a ton of great WordPress themes.

5. Flickr Pro ($24.95)


This is the perfect gift for any designer because they can upload an unlimited of amount of designs to their flickr account.

6. MediaLoot ($19)


MediaLoot is a collection of premium design resources that will be available for a single monthly subscription fee.

7. How to Be a Rockstar Freelancer ($29)


Covering everything from getting started to expanding your business, How to Be a Rockstar Freelancer is the official FreelanceSwitch book.

8. WDL Prenium ($7)


Instant access to a large library of premium files plus new premium content every week. All for only $7 a month. Premium WordPress Themes, Vectors, Photoshop brushes and more.

9. Smashing eBook Bundle #1-5 ($31.90) smash-ebook

A great ebook book collection created by one of biggest design blogs on the internet.

10. Tutsplus ($9)


For a low monthly fee a designer will get access to an exclusive members site complete with hundreds of source files from all your favorite tutorials, special Plus-only tutorials that everyone else doesn’t get and regular bonus downloads of vector and brush packs, layer styles, tools and more. With over 10,000 happy members, we’re sure you’re going to love Premium!

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